School Allergies

Please note that some allergic reactions are due to contact with an item (contact allergy) while other reactions occur through eating certain items (ingestion allergy). It is very important to check all items sent to school.  Certain items may pose a serious and life-threatening risk to our students and staff members.

➢ Please note there are school-wide severe “contact” allergies to the following items and these items should NOT be brought to school:

➢ We have class-specific allergies to the following items. Please check with your classroom teacher as to whether these can be brought to class:

➢ We also have other class-specific food allergies, however they are largely self-ingestion allergies. These foods may be permitted in school with no sharing with classmates:

This list will continue to be updated throughout the year on our website at

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to contact the school.

Thank you for your support.

Food Allergy Canada

Thank you for helping our students and staff members stay safe and healthy!